Urban Road 30mph Speed limit data for the whole UK Rural road 60mph 10 million users Motorway 70mph Over 350,000km mapped

Urban Road 30mph Speed limit data for the whole UK Rural road 60mph 10 million users Motorway 70mph Over 350,000km mapped


Local authorities
In 2021 we used data from nearly 2/3rds of all authorities to keep the map up-to-date


UK & RoI roads mapped
Our database contains speed limits for all public roads totalling over 1/3rd million km


Our data is used in millions of vehicles to help drivers stay aware of speed limits


updates every year
We make thousands of updates every week which are validated and sent to customers each quarter

About SpeedMap

The most accurate and up-to-date data on UK speed limits



SpeedMap is a project with the aim of producing a national speed limit database for the UK and Republic of Ireland which can be used with any digital map.

Ten years ago we recognised the need for an accurate map to support innovation in road safety – without being tied to a costly proprietary mapping solution.

Our data is sourced from a multitude of datasets and boasts 100% coverage of the UK and RoI road network.

Since supplying the first version to a telematics startup in 2012, SpeedMap has become the number one choice for companies who need speed limit data.

Our dataset is used by global mapping providers, delivery companies, utility providers, insurance companies, as well as those providing in-vehicle systems. We make our data accessible, reliable and exploitable for your commercial needs, as well as putting the data in the hands of those responsible for making our roads safer.

Key features

Total UK & RoI network coverage

We have been curating the map for nearly ten years and have reviewed speed limit information across the UK and Republic of Ireland.

Our analysis of speed limits on the road network is comprehensive; we will even include advisory limits on private roads where we are made aware of limits lower than 20mph / 30kmh

Independently reviewed and assessed

We are confident that our maps offer levels of accuracy beyond those offered by competitors with independent analysis by our major clients demonstrating >90% improvement in accuracy.

We want to achieve 100% accuracy across the entire network with an increased update frequency which is why we invest heavily in our update processes.

Network independent and platform neutral

Speedmap has developed a network independent approach to building our data architecture, this means that we can provide a mapping layer to suit your network needs.

Whether you are using a commercially-supplied network or open-source, SpeedMap can be supplied in a format to suit your needs.

A solution for all sectors

An accurate map of speed limits is vital for a variety of applications across a range of sectors. SpeedMap is used by:

  • Telematic insurance providers who are measuring incidents of excess speed,
  • Large logistic firms planning routes
  • Blue-chip companies who provide their own mapping solutions
  • Enforcement agencies identifying low-compliance locations
  • Local authorities without their own digital map
  • Researchers examining road risk on the network
Get access

The SpeedMap dataset is available through these channels:


SpeedMap data available for delivery matched to specific road networks for use in a varity of settings
Organisational or per user licenses on offer
API for developers launching in summer 2024 - contact us now for more information

Annual licenses available for fleet owners, telematics providers, and insurance companies who value accurate and reliable speed limit maps.

Ordnance Survey

Exclusively available for MasterMap Highways customers in the public and private sectors
Pricing for individual areas or the whole country based on a per-user license
Quarterly updates available through OS Resellers

Case studies

See how SpeedMap provides solutions:

Speed limit maps for vehicles

As the adoption of new vehicle technologies to limit vehicle speeds becomes more common, car manufacturers need to ensure their systems are accurate and up-to-date.

HERE Technologies, the leading location data and technology platform, use our speedmap database for the UK and Republic of Ireland to support their ISA Map, delivering vehicle systems and drivers fresh and accurate speed limit information on any road.

Combining datasets to understand risk

Speed limit information, when combined with telematics data using vehicle speeds from GPS tracks, provides an excellent opportunity for road authorities and enforcement agencies to asess road sections with poor compliance.

Agilysis have been providing simple, yet powerful tools to decision makers using this data for the last three years via an online portal.

Speedmap will be a part of the PSGA from April 2023

Following several years of supply speed limit data to OS customers via their reseller network, we are proud to announce that the map will soon be available to the public sector free-of-charge via the PSGA.

Our team

Road safety experts, with decades of experience

Richard Owen

Director & Data Architect

Richard has spent his entire career working with data-driven solutions. The brains behind the original architecture and a guiding hand in all new developments, Richard is hugely passionate about SpeedMap and the drive towards ever improving accuracy.

Dan Campsall


Dan has worked on marketing communications focusing on transport safety since the early 2000s. His knowledge of public sector road safety and involvement in a range of award-winning, evidence based, technology projects and interventions drive the development of SpeedMap.

Dr George Ursachi

Data Quality Manager

George is an experienced international road safety expert and leads our data sourcing team, working with highway authorities to process regular data updates. He also leads on our international expansion as we seek to grow our database.

Andrew Hartley

GIS Manager

Andy has been a part of the team since 2015 and is reponsible for maintenance of our spatial datasets and the quarterly update process for clients. His experience in the road safety sector together with in-depth knowledge of GIS platforms helps us keep the map as accurate and up-to-date as possible.

Contact us

Do you have
any question?

Send us a message

If you are interested in learning more about our speed limit maps in the UK, Republic of Irelend or in other countries please get in touch using the form below. Alternatively please call on the number opposite and one of the team will be happy to speak to you.